Friday, September 9, 2016

Data Collection and Graphing

Third graders started the year in mathematics by combining get-to-know-you activities with the strand of Data Handling.

Learning Intention: I understand information can be expressed as organized and structured data.

Success Criteria:
  • I can collect data and display it using simple graphs.
  • I can identify the minimum, maximum, range, mode, and median of a group of data.

First, students brainstormed math questions to ask their classmates, and after selecting their favorite question, they surveyed their classmates.

They followed this by making tally charts, graphing the data, and finding the minimum, median, maximum, mode, and range.

Later students viewed the finished graphs and commented on interesting information. Did you know the median number of siblings in third grade is one, or that the mode number of pets is zero? After creating their initial graphs, the third graders applied their communication and thinking skills to gather data connected to our Who We Are unit of inquiry.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading this post. It's great to see them start the scale by putting 1 in the correct place. Students often forget about the zero!
